Jesus, Prince of Light Ministry and Art Collection
Jesus, Prince of Light Ministry and Art Collection is a culmination of a lifetime of art and teaching. The principal founders are Casey McCulley and Cecily Estudillo-Coffman McCulley.
The foundational beliefs of the ministry are based on the supreme authority of God's word, preserved and written as The Holy Spirit moved on the holy prophets. It is historically trust-worthy, prophetically accurate, and profitable for correction, reproof, and instruction in righteousness. Jesus Christ came in the flesh, is the only begotten of the Father. Belief in and on the Lord Jesus the Messiah is essential for eternal salvation. The only way to the Father is through the shed blood of our Lord Jesus.
Casey McCulley
Casey McCulley is a true renaissance man, encompassing art, teaching, and ministry in his life's work. Casey has been on a "mission from God" for the past 30 years. Casey's "Star Stories," depict the twelve Constellations, each with three decans placed by God in the heavens as signs and stories for a total of 48 paintings. This website will serve as one vehicle for sharing the ancient, powerful beacons that Father God spoke into existence millennia before he created Adam. Casey holds an MA in History from the University of Central Oklahoma with an emphasis on Southwestern Studies. He taught Humanities for many years before retiring.
Cecily McCulley
Cecily McCulley has worked in public education for over twenty years. She is bilingual, writes, sings, preaches, supports her husband on his mission from God. She holds a MA in Bible and Theology from Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Loves the Lord and her family.
Coming Soon - Star Stories​
Casey McCulley has spent half a lifetime creating his God-given vision of a story told in the stars millennia before the birth of Jesus. The story is about Jesus, His birth, His life, His death, His resurrection, His return. Casey's work is a starry view of some of the major events that make up the Gospel story.