Our Vision
The core value of Jesus, Prince of Light Ministries is to daily dedicate ourselves to relationship with our Father through our Lord Jesus, Christ. In doing so, we desire to help others grow in their own relationship to the Father and his only Son as well.
Our art and teaching are designed by the great Creator-Artist who is self-existent, all-powerful, all-knowing, and pure love. Our service to Him is to yield, follow, and be obedient to his training and discipline.
Statement of Faith
We believe Jesus the Christ came in the flesh.
He is the Son of the living God.
He was pre-existent and is eternal.
All things were made by Him.
He was sent from heaven by His Father to be born of a virgin.
He lived, was put to death by crucifixion, was buried, and resurrected to life three days later.
The spilling of His blood on the cross provided the redemption of all lost souls who embrace Him as their Savior.
He received thirty-nine lashes on his back in a Roman prison, thereby providing the healing of all diseases for every person.
We believe in the mystery stated by Paul, that Jews and Gentiles alike who receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior make up the Body, or Church, of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
We believe the Bible was God-breathed and is profitable for reproof, rebuke, and instruction in righteousness.
We believe in the eminent return of Jesus Christ, first to catch away the righteous dead and the living who are looking for him; then at the end of the Tribulation to return at the Day of The Lord and plant His feet on the mount of Olives.